Be The Difference in Rail Preservation: Join NRHS Now
- Join or renew your membership here: Membership Form
Taking an active role in rail preservation
What is the one thing every member of the NRHS has in common? We love trains. And whether we love the history and romance of the rails or the actual, practical feel of steel and iron, of steam locomotives and diesel electric engines, there’s something else we all have in common: what we love is in danger of becoming just a memory.
By joining the NRHS, you get to make a difference in rail preservation. Along the way, you may just get some opportunities that the general public will never get, including exclusive member discounts and even free admissions to hundreds of railway attractions nationwide.
Local Chapters: the heart and soul of the NRHS
From our very beginning, when two local railfan organizations combined to become the first two local chapters of the Society, the NRHS has only been as strong as our Chapters make us. Our Chapters are where we meet to share our love for the rails. Chapter activities include monthly meetings, field trips to historic rail sites, and rail excursions. Most local Chapters even have their own newsletters exclusively for their members.
Although it is possible to belong to the NRHS without joining a local Chapter, there is no doubt that belonging to a local Chapter brings valuable benefits. Local Chapter members have full voting rights in the National Society and full participation in all National events, and receive subscriptions to National publications and advanced ticket purchase for the annual NRHS railroad convention.
Membership Benefits
- Issues of the NRHS Bulletin as published each year.
- 6 issues of the NRHS News
- Membership Card
- Discounts to various rail attractions around the country
- Advanced ticket purchase to the NRHS Convention
- An, organized, safe, international network of railroading; an excellent opportunity to meet and socialize with other people who have similar interests in railroads, rail preservation, photography, writing, operations, restoration, and/or history.
- Recognition for continuous membership in our Membership Awards Program.
- Opportunities to contribute time and energy to local projects or national efforts that protect, educate, preserve, and promote the past, and present, and future of railroading.
Types of NRHS Membership and Dues
Chapter Members
- Affiliation with the National Society and one Chapter
- $50.00 per year (plus Chapter dues which vary per Chapter)
- Additional members of your family (individuals living in the same household) may also become members for just $7.00 per year
- Please look up the Chapter
- Can also be At-Large members
At-Large Members
- National Society dues are $50.00 per year
- Pay only National Society dues
- Additional members of your family (individuals living in the same household) may also become members for just $7.00 per year
- Does not preclude being an Additional Chapter Member
Additional Chapter Members
- Any Chapter membership beyond the first Chapter.
- Many members of the NRHS are active in more than one Chapter
- Pay local Chapter dues only
- Please look up the Chapter
Student Members
- National Society dues are $16 per year
- A student membership is a discounted annual membership offered to individuals who are 13 to 24 years of age (on January 1)
- Intent is to introduce the NRHS to the many young people who have an interest in one or more aspects of railroading, rail history and rail preservation
- Additional Chapter membership fees may be applicable (local Chapter dues vary by Chapter)
- This category of membership has voting rights in the National society
- A parent or legal guardian’s signature is required for membership in this category