NRHS Extant Roundhouse Individual Listing
Record No.: HRSS NY-06 RH
State: New York
County: Cortland
City: Cortland
Address: W of Owego St. at Yates Pl.
Latitude/Longitude: 42°35'22.49"N, 76°11'11.65"W
Year Built: +/- 1885
RR Built For: Elmira Cortland & Northern RR (Lehigh Valley)
Current Use: Business/ Storage
Use No.*: 4
No. of Stalls: 5 left of 4 then 8
Exterior Walls: Brick- Wood Doors
Structural Frame: Wood
Turntable Length: 55', 65'
Turntable Remaining: No
Tracks: N
Condition: Good
Condition No.**: 1
Have Photos: Y
History: Y
Plans: N
Aerial Photo: yes
Last Verified: 04/05/2021
Internet History Check: 1887p12, 1892p12, 1897p11, 1902p16, 1908p27, 1915 Sanborn, file:///C:/Users/Rshulby/Downloads/Marcham_online%20(1).pdf
Smithsonian#: N/A
Notes: N/A
Contributors: N/A
* Use No. Key | |
1 | RR/ Contractor Rail use |
2 | RR non-rail use |
3 | RR Museum/ Tourist line use |
4 | Non-RR use |
5 | No use |
6 | Don't know |
7 | Demolished |
** Condition No. Key | |
1 | Poor-Excellent |
2 | Derelict |
3 | Demolished |
4 | Can't locate |
5 | Not a Roundhouse |