About Our Chapter
The Roanoke Chapter, NRHS has been active in rail preservation, maintaining a fleet of passenger cars and diesel locomotives, and sponsoring rail excursions for over forty years. We take pride in the reputation that we have established as a professional operator through the years. We work together with three other organizations in the Roanoke Valley, the Virginia Museum of Transportation, the O. Winston Link Museum, and the Norfolk & Western Historical Society, all the while promoting the Roanoke Valley as a rail destination. Indeed, these groups, along with the Blue Ridge Chapter and the C&OHS, have had the Commonwealth of Virginia designate our area as Virginia’s Rail Heritage Region. We welcome anyone with an interest in any facet of railroading.
Roanoke Chapter NRHS
PO Box 13222
Roanoke, VA 24032-3222
Meeting Information
Virginia Railway Station
1402 South Jefferson Street
Roanoke, VA 24016
To confirm location and time, contact:
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