About Our Chapter
The Cincinnati Chapter, National Railway Historical Society, is an all-volunteer organization with a library and meeting room at EnterTRAINment Junction in West Chester, Ohio. The library and reading room is open most Monday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons. The Chapter has monthly meetings with a variety of programs, appears at regional railroad shows, and sponsors occasional field trips and excursions such as the September 2009 steam excursion on the Whitewater Valley Railroad (as show in the photo to the right). Cincinnati Chapter is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, founded in 1970, and celebrated its 40th anniversary in May 2010. Visitors are always welcome to attend our meetings, library and activities. Please contact an officer or the chapter website for additional information.
Cincinnati Chapter NRHS
P.O. Box 62023
Cincinnati, OH 45262
Meeting Information
EnterTRAINment Junction
7379 Squire Court
West Chester, OH 45069
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